Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The March issue of the OSBR is now available in PDF and HTML formats. The editorial theme for this issue is Co-Creation and the Guest Editors are Marko Seppä from the University of Jyväskylä and Stoyan Tanev from the University of Southern Denmark. This issue features the following articles:

Marko Seppä and Stoyan Tanev summarize recent value co-creation research and identify an emerging focus on business co-creation.

Jukka Huhtamäki, Martha G. Russell, Kaisa Still, and Neil Rubens use network analysis to examine linkages between organizations and the emergence of cooperative activities in an innovation system.

Kati Järvi and Antti Pellinen examine evolving business models in mobile service production and provision with an emphasis on the shift from one-sided to two-sided markets, including the emergence of application stores as intermediaries in service delivery.

Raimo Hyötyläinen, Katri Valkokari, and Petri Kalliokoski present four models of business renewal through co-creation within networks, distinguishing between the exploitation of present knowledge for efficiency and the exploration of new knowledge for innovation.

Frederick Ahen and Peter Zettinig argue that if networks are effective mechanisms for criminal organizations to infiltrate into any value chain, then networks should also work for responsible businesses in their quests to counter this phenomenon of value destruction.

Xian Chen and Paul Sorenson examine the effect of service quality on business relationships between clients and SaaS service providers and provide an approach and tool for evaluating SaaS applications.

Taina Savolainen and Sari Häkkinen present two case studies that illustrate the importance of trustworthiness as a leadership trait and managerial skill.

The editorial theme for the upcoming April issue is Communications Enabled Applications. For subsequent issues, we welcome general submissions on the topic of open source business or the growth of early-stage technology companies. Please contact the Editor, Chris McPhee, if you are interested in making a submission.

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