Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mike Milinkovich Lecture This Evening

Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, will be speaking tonight at Carleton University in Ottawa. From the lecture abstract:

The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit organization which has achieved a great deal of success in creating and nurturing a multi-billion dollar, worldwide ecosystem that spans hundreds of companies and thousands of products. Most of this has been accomplished in blissful ignorance of ecosystem theory. As such, we’ve made some mistakes, but we also have some observations on where the theory is lacking and upon occasion lagging rather than predicting what’s actually happening in the real world. Mike Milinkovich is one of the relatively few people today who has the responsibility to cultivate “… an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services…” in his job description.

In this lecture, we introduce the fundamental concepts of ecosystems, and how Eclipse matches the theory.

If you're interested in attending the lecture, sign up at the TIM Lecture Series wiki so we can bring enough refreshments. If you're not in the Ottawa area, you can still attend via voice conferencing or webcast; directions for joining are here.

Mike co-authored an article about the Eclipse ecosystem in the first issue of the OSBR--you'll find that article here.

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