Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Practioners Guide to Ecosystem Development

The key messages and presentation slides from last night's lecture are now available. The audio of the presentation will be published with the September issue of the OSBR and I'll post a link once it is available.

One of the things I like about the TIM Lecture Series is the level of audience participation, both in person and via web conferencing. Mike provided many interesting insights from the Eclipse Foundation's experience and the audience built upon that by adding their own insights.

If you're new to the concept of ecosystems outside of the realm of ecology, the Wikipedia entries for business ecosystems and for James F. Moore provide a good starting point. Professor Bailetti from Carleton University provides further insights in his article Ecosystem Approach to the Commercialization of Technology Products and Services.

Probably the most interesting take-away from the lecture was that the Eclipse Foundation is breaking ground with a model where the keystone of the ecosystem is a non-profit, most of the complementors within the ecosystem are commercial interests, and the ecosystem as a whole is based on an open source model. Very little of the literature available today about business ecosystems discusses--or understands--how open source models operate.

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